
Get to know more about the country’s first private development bank

Our Humble Beginning

Lipa Bank, Inc., a prominent rural bank in Lipa City, Philippines, traces its roots to the Olaguivel and Morada clans. Established in 1959 as the Lipa City Development Bank, it was one of the country's first private development banks. The bank initially focused on developmental and long-term loans, contributing to the growth of local industries like garments, agriculture, and real estate. While the Asian financial crisis of 1998 impacted its expansion plans, the bank adapted by converting to a rural bank in 2004 to better serve small and medium-sized enterprises.


    To provide our clients in the community with satisfaction on our banking services by utilizing current technologies and consistent high quality and relevant financial services; To lead its personnel to act with professionalism, integrity and honesty and; To be profitable and responsible banking institution supporting the development of the community that it serves


    To be the top choice of the community in providing financial products and service for inclusive economic growth

Years of Service


Our Core Values

Our Core Values

The guiding principles that shape the Bank's culture and operations


They key to qualify and efficiency.

The competence or skill expected of a professional.


Firm adherance to a code of especially moral or artistic values: INCORRUPTIBILITY;
An unimpaired condition: SOUNDNESS;
The quality or state of being complete or undivided: COMPLETENESS


Adherence to the facts

Fairness and straightforwardness of conduct

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Lipa Bank Incorporated's banking hours?

LBI is open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. (Please follow our Facebook page for advisories)

What is the minimum initial deposit to open a deposit account?

For as low as ₱1,000.00, you can open a deposit account with Lipa Bank Inc.

What types of loans does the bank offer?

Lipa Bank Inc offers diverse range of loan products to provide you the necessary capital to seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and achieve your financial aspirations. Click here to view offered loan products.